How do I request items from the library?
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You can visit the library Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Present your ctcLink number to check out materials.
You can also place holds on books and magazines through our online catalog. See steps for placing a hold below.
Steps for placing a hold:
- Go to the Library Media Center's Homepage.
- Use the search bar in the center of the page to search our catalog. After entering a search, you will see a list of search results.
- At the top right-hand corner of the screen, select Log in. You must be logged in to request a hold.
- Enter your Bellevue College email for the username and enter the password you use for Canvas.
- Select the title of the book or magazine you want. This will bring up a record for the item.
- Under the section "Find in the Library," select Request to place a hold. A short form will pop up.
- Fill out form:
- Choose a "Not needed after Pickup Date".
- For a magazine, enter the magazine issue under the Comment section.
- Select SEND REQUEST to submit your hold.
What happens next:
- Holds are processed within 1-3 business days.
- We will email you a library notice when your hold is ready with instructions for pickup.
- Visit our Borrowing Materials webpage for information on loan periods.
Visit our Borrowing Materials web page for details on picking up holds and returning library materials.
For help, please contact a librarian through the Ask a Librarian chat service or email
- Last Updated:Last Updated: Jun 06, 2023
- Views: 41 FAQ Views
- Answered By: Lisa Lapointe
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