Where can I find information for my research?
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- Topics
- Catalog: Use our online catalog to search our collection of articles, books, magazines, and more. Go to our Homepage and type in your search terms (for example: exercise AND "mental health") in the search bar located in the center of the page.
- Research Guides: Access our Research Guides (also known as LibGuides) to find key resources and helpful information about a variety of subjects. Your class may even have a specific research guide created for it.
- Databases: Databases hold information from various sources, such as journals, magazines, and books. Our databases are listed alphabetically with a short description next to each database. The list also includes resources for streaming films, interactive anatomy, and e-books. You can also browse databases by subject.
- Access the King County Library System: Students and faculty have access to KCLS's online resources, such as ebooks, newspapers, databases, and documentaries. Find additional online resources that may not be available at BC Library.
- Come Visit: The Library is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for the Winter 2023 quarter. Reserve a computer or study space or meet with a Librarian.
Check out our BC Library YouTube Channel for videos on how to use and access our resources. Example videos include how to search specific databases, use the catalog, and create citations.
For research help, contact a librarian by visiting our Ask a Librarian page to chat or to request a video appointment. You can also email us at reference@bellevuecollege.edu.
- Last Updated:Last Updated: Jun 06, 2023
- Views: 46 FAQ Views
- Answered By: Lisa Lapointe
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