How do I cite in MLA?


This table shows some of the top things to keep in mind when citing in MLA. At the bottom is a link to the MLA Quick Guide, which has example citations for the most common types of sources. You can find even more information on our MLA Style guide!

  MLA Style
At the top of the citations page... Works Cited

Capitalize all the main words in titles: "Focusing 'Upstream' to Address Maternal and Child Health Inequities: Two Local Health Departments in Washington State Make the Transition." Maternal and Child Health Journal

Period or comma?

Periods after author name(s), title, page numbers, and at the end of citations.

Commas after publisher, year (if page numbers), periodical title, volume, number, and database.

Italics Italicize book titles, databases, and periodicals.
DOI, permalink, or URL? Use the DOI if one is provided. If no DOI, look for a permalink. If no permalink, use the URL from the address bar.

Two authors: Gibbs, Jewelle T., and Larke Huang.

Three or more authors (list the first author's name, then et al.): Franco, Robert, et al.

In text citations

One author: (Walker 194)

Two authors:  (Dorris and Erdrich 23)

Three authors: (Bradley et al. 42)

When there is no author, use the first word or two of the title in italics: (Study Finds 3)

When there is no page number, just use the author name(s)

For more examples see pages 54-58 and 116-117 of the MLA Handbook.

Secondary/indirect sources

If Allport is quoted in Nicholson and you did not read Allport, list Nicholson in your works cited. In the text, use the following citation:

Samuel Allport admitted that Edmund Burke was an "extraordinary man" (qtd. in Nicholson 450).

MLA Handbook, p. 124

  • Last Updated Oct 02, 2023
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Laura Nagel

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