How can I access Course Reserve textbooks?



Course Reserve materials are typically available at the library for in-library checkout only:

Some limited items may be available digitally-- if your Course Reserve text is available online, it will be inside your online course shell (typically in Canvas)-- please contact your instructor to see if this applies to your class.  

Emergency Funding Available from GRC's Benefits Hub

Textbooks and other course materials can be expensive, and Green River College wants to help you succeed. If you need assistance, please apply for this emergency funding grant. The grant awards student funding for Course Materials (textbooks, supplies, access codes...) among other emergency needs.

Other items this grant can assist with include: food; housing; technology (computers, headphones, webcams...); medical expenses; child care; utilities (electricity, internet, water/sewer, gas...); transportation (car payment, gas, bus fare...); and more...

For additional sources of possible loans of textbooks and other course materials, please see Holman Library guide to Textbooks & Other Course Materials.


If you would like to place a textbook on Course Reserve at the library, please use our Course Reserve request form (linked below). 

  • Keep in mind that new Course Reserve requests may take 3-4 business days to process before being available to checkout at the library.

Holman Library can assist instructors in scanning limited chapters of Course Reserve materials to pdf and send them to you so that the files can be uploaded to your Canvas page.

  • To place a request for scanning assistance, please contact the Holman Library Circulation Department by email (circdesk @ 
  • Last Updated Oct 31, 2022
  • Views 182
  • Answered By Philip Whitford

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