How do I suggest titles for the library to purchase?


Timberland Regional Library accepts Purchase Suggestions for both physical and electronic titles.  Our Selectors will assess each suggestion for adding to our collection, however, due to the large volume of requests, we are not able to purchase all requested materials.

Suggest a Title for our Physical Collection

If you can't find an item in our catalog and it was published in the last two years, fill out the Suggest a Purchase form.  If the item was published more than two years ago we can borrow the item from another library system via Interlibrary Loan.

Suggest a Title for our Electronic Collection

You are welcome to suggest titles for our electronic collection, but the title must already be available to purchase in Overdrive.  Here's how: Overdrive - Recommend to Library with green arrow

  • Visit TRL's Overdrive collection of ebooks and e-audiobooks.
  • Search for the title you'd like to recommend.
  • Under Availability, choose Recommend to LibraryOverdrive example of Title not owned by TRL

Look through and find the title AND the correct format. (Overdrive has both eBooks and e-Audiobooks.) When you find the title in the format you prefer, click on "Recommend" just below the title, author, & format.

Log in with your library card and pin (if you haven't already.)  Make sure your email address is correct so if the title is purchased, you will be notified.

Click on Recommend and you should see "Success!"


  • Last Updated Jun 09, 2022
  • Views 188
  • Answered By Erica McCaleb

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