I am a local author. Can my book be added to the library collection?


The Timberland Regional Library maintains a Local Authors collection in our physical collection and we welcome additions.

A local author is a person who lives in the library district's five-county service area (Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston Counties) or who has ties to the area that is evident in their work. As a local author, you may either donate copies of your work to your local TRL library or fill out this form to request addition to the collection.

Either your local library or the librarians in the Collection Services Department will decide whether an author's work is appropriate for the Local Authors collection. For ebooks, your title must be available for the library to purchase through OverDrive. This is the library’s only platform for providing and circulating ebooks.

  • Last Updated Jan 20, 2022
  • Views 6
  • Answered By Erica McCaleb

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