How do I renew my library card?

Depending on the type of library card you have it will need to be renewed every year or every three years. This is a chance to make sure we have the most current address and contact information for you.

To update your card visit and select My Account in the top-right corner of the page to log in.

If you are using a desktop computer you will see a menu on the right side of the page that indicates when your card expires and includes an option to Renew. If you are using a mobile device select Update next the the date Your account expires to automatically renew your library card.

If you need to update any information, select Edit in the Personal Information menu and make any changes.

You may also update your account information or renew your card anytime by visiting a local branch or contacting us via email or chat. 




  • Last Updated Oct 27, 2022
  • Views 732
  • Answered By Chris C.

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