What is a peer reviewed article?


Peer-review is an extra step that some scholarly journal articles go through. Peer-reviewed articles go through a process where they are analyzed by experts in a field before being published..

  • articles are examined for accuracy and quality of research

  • reviewers decide if the article adds to the content of the field

Peer-reviewed articles can be found by searching OneSearch or our databases and selecting the "peer-reviewed" button. If you are searching online, you can also look for the submitted and accepted dates on the front page of the article, or search the journal online (e.g. Journal of Pediatrics) to see if they have peer-review. 

Remember: articles can be scholarly (written and published for an academic audience), yet not go through the peer-review process.

  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2023
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Kyle Sutton

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