What's a DOI?
What is a DOI?
DOI stands for "direct object identifier" it's a combination of letters and numbers that provide a direct and unchanging link to a document. (URLs, on the other hand, can change over time.)
Here's an example of what a DOI looks like: doi.org/10.3352/jeehp.2013.10.3
What types of resources have DOIs?
Any type of document can have a DOI. However, the vast majority of resources with DOIs are journal articles published in the last 10 years. Older articles and resources usually don't have a DOI because they didn't exist.
How do I find an DOI?
If the article has a DOI it can be found on the first page of the article. It should be near the title, author, and journal information.
How do I cite a DOI?
It depends on your citation style! Whichever citation style you use, you can search OWL Purdue for your citation style, then look in the works cited section to find citation examples.