Where can I study on campus?


The OC Libraries have lots of great study spaces. The Bremerton campus library (Building 6) also has 11 individual study rooms on the basement floor. 

Additionally, computer labs on all three campuses are open, no reservations are needed. Lab hours are available here:  https://www.olympic.edu/student-life-support/it-helpdesk/computer-labs 

You may also find study spaces tucked around Building 7, or large tables in the cafeteria area of the Bremer Student Center (Building 10)

There are multiple places across all three of our campuses where students are welcome to come and focus on their school work. The OC Libraries offer silent study space on the second floor of the Haselwood Library, study carrels throughout our buildings, and study rooms in our basement. Depending on what kind of studying you need to do, we should have a space that can accommodate you. Please reach out to a librarian for more information on our study spaces and how/when to access them.

  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2024
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Amy @ Olympic College Libraries

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