What can I do if the item I want is checked out?


If the item you want has already been checked out, you can request a hold on the item so that when it is returned, you will be next in line to check it out. In order to do this, you must:

1. Search and Find. Log in to the OC Library OneSearch Catalog and search for your item. You must log in FIRST before making a request for pick-up. Your log in information is your OC email address and password.

2. Make Your Request. If an item can be requested you will see a "Request" button in the record for the item. 

Placing Holds

You can request a hold on items that are on our shelves, check out, or at another branch by clicking the link that says Request under the "Get It" section of the item record.

A screen will come up that asks the you to enter in details of the title they are requesting, including material type, terms of use, and pick-up location.

Once this information is filled in, all you need to do is click the green REQUEST button at the bottom of the form and your request for a hold is submitted! 

When the item is returned, you will receive an email and a phone call letting you know your hold is ready for you to pick it up! The library will send you an email to your OC email account with specific instructions for pick-up when your item is ready including a link to schedule your pick-up appointment. If you have any questions, please email rjeffrey@olympic.edu. Please be sure to bring a valid form of photo ID when you come to claim your hold. 

  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2024
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Amy @ Olympic College Libraries

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